We're committed to a clean and safe facility. Submit your health declaration
Shop 70, 84 Kerr St, Ballina Fair Shopping Centre, Ballina
Tel: 02 6675 9768
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get a same-day appointment?
Doctors @ Ballina Fair accepts walk-in patients, subject to our doctors' availability and schedules.
Do you bulk-bill patients?
We are a mixed-billing clinic, check our "Fees" page for more information
Children under 16 years old, pensioners, DVA card holders and "Closing the Gap" patients will be bulk-billed
How do I make an appointment
Book now on Hotdoc
Call us on 02 6675 9768
What if I need to see a doctor afterhours?
Our opening hours are from Monday to Friday are 830am to 5pm.
For after hours care please call 13 CURE (132 873) or 000 in an emergency